A. WTVP will not give, sell, or trade its donor or prospect lists, in part or whole, to any political party, organization or candidate, nor to any religious organization. It is illegal for a non-profit, 501 (c)(3), to do so.
B. WTVP will not give, sell, or trade its donor or prospect list, in part or whole, with anyone, a business, non-profit organization or individual of any kind. This is a fulfillment of past commitments made to donors to keep records private and confidential.
C. WTVP is allowed to utilize its donor list for its own events, acknowledgment, solicitations, and campaigns, only when approved by WTVP management. Use of donor information is allowed only when it is strictly for the purpose of the station goals or in conjunction with other organizations in which partnership is legal and ethical.
D. WTVP is allowed to share lists or records temporarily for purposes of mailing, printing, premium fulfillment, or other purposes. However, a written confidentiality agreement must be signed by the vendor and received by WTVP in advance of services rendered. At no time may vendors keep or use names and lists for any purpose other than that assigned by WTVP.
E. WTVP will take all care to protect the confidentiality of its donor records and secure and affirm the commitment of any employee granted ongoing access to these records and by any employee, volunteer, or vendor with temporary access to records. A signed donor policy form acknowledging and pledging to follow its restrictions is a requirement of employment for any staff, volunteer, or vendor with ongoing or temporary access to donor records or oversight of people with access.
F. Donor may have their name removed by written or telephone request.
Policy Affirmed: July 23, 1999, by the Illinois Valley Public Telecommunications Corporation, dba. WTVP