WTVP has brought the unique benefits of public media to Central Illinois since 1971. Through planned gifts from our supporters, WTVP continues to build financial stability, ensuring that all in Central Illinois will have the benefits of public media for years to come. Thank you to our Founders Society.
A planned gift of any size offers you the flexibility to balance your personal financial goals with your interest in supporting WTVP to ensure public media for future generations.
- Endowment Fund
- Memorials & Tributes
- Bequests
- Wills and Living Trusts
- Retirement Plans & Beneficiary Designations
- Life Insurance
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Lead Trusts
- Gift Annuities
- Stocks & Mutual Funds
If you have already made provisions to include WTVP in your estate plans, please let us know as we would like to acknowledge you as a member of the Founders Society.

WTVP Development Office | 309-495-0547
development@wtvp.org for more information.
WTVP | Planned Giving

Frequently Asked Questions | Planned Giving
Have a question about Planned Giving to WTVP? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I leave a gift to WTVP in my will?
You can make a gift to WTVP as a bequest in your will or living trust in the following ways:
- A percentage of your total estate. In using this approach, your gift adjusts with changes in the size of your estate.
- The residue or a percentage of the residue of your estate. After your specific gifts to loved ones have been made, you may designate that the entire residue or a percentage of the remainder shall go solely to WTVP or to WTVP and another non-profit organization. Again, with this approach, your gift adjusts with changes in the size of your estate.
- A gift of a specific amount. You specify a dollar amount to be given to one or more charitable organizations, such as WTVP. With this kind of gift, it is especially important to keep your will or trust up-to-date.
What type of language is necessary for legal documents?
Bequest language and tax ID number for estate gift:
- I give, devise, and bequeath to Illinois Valley Public Telecommunications Corporation, a not-for-profit corporation (Tax ID 23-7041401) located in Illinois, (e.g., dollar amount, percentage, specific asset, or residue)
What should my planned giving advisor know?
If you're advising someone who is planning a gift or bequest to WTVP, we are happy to assist you. Together, we can create the arrangements to help your clients leave a lasting legacy that carries on the vital work of public broadcasting.
- Please contact us for further information on the variety of assets to give, or for any other assistance that we can provide.
Illinois Valley Public Telecommunications Corporation
Tax ID #: 23-7041401
PO Box 1347
Peoria, IL 61654-1347
How do I give gifts of cash?
A gift of cash, generally made by check, can make an immediate impact on our mission today while providing you with a charitable income tax deduction, as allowed by law.
How do I give gifts of insurance policies?
If you have a life insurance policy whose benefits you no longer need, you may want to consider naming WTVP the beneficiary and assigning us ownership of the policy. This will likely qualify you for a charitable deduction. In removing the life insurance policy from your estate, you may also reduce your estate taxes.
How do I give gifts of retirement plan assets?
Assets held in qualified retirement plans and IRA accounts are an excellent way to support WTVP. When left to friends and family members other than a spouse, these funds can be subject to as much as 70% in taxes. But if a nonprofit organization such as WTVP is named as the beneficiary of all or a percentage of your retirement plan assets, the entire amount can be used by WTVP to create, produce and broadcast programs. Your other less heavily-taxed assets are then available to your loved ones.
How do I give a gift of securities?
A gift of appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy way for you to make a gift. Potential benefits to you include avoidance of paying capital gains tax, receiving a charitable income tax deduction, and enjoying possible increased income.
Electronic transfer:
Gifts of stock may be transferred to:
WTVP c/o David Vaughan Investments
Charles Schwab Account Number #4624-2940
DTC Code #0164
How do I give a gift of transferred stock certificate?
For transfer of actual stock certificates, please have certificates signed on the back and/or a stock power form authorizing release. In addition, a third-party release form will be required and can be obtained from David Vaughan Investments 309-685-0033.
How do I give a gift of land or real estate?
A gift of your appreciated real property (such as your home, vacation property, vacant land, farmland, ranch or commercial property) can make a great gift. Some of the benefits to you may include avoidance of paying capital gains tax, and receiving a charitable income tax deduction.
- Your real property may be gifted to our organization by executing or signing a deed transferring ownership. You may deed part or all of your real property to our organization. Your gift will generally be based on the property's fair market value, which must be established by an independent appraisal.
- Please contact us if the property you wish to give has existing debt or a mortgage. Check with us on the capital gains tax implications of your gift. You also may be interested in life income options.
How do I give the gift of an endowment?
An endowment is comprised of strategically-invested funds that WTVP holds in perpetuity and does not spend. Instead, a prescribed distribution from these investments supports WTVP programs and operations. As our Endowment grows, it provides an expanding source of stable funding to help us weather the ups and downs of the economy and keep WTVP viable into the future.
How do I give a gift of Charitable Gift Annuities (CGA)?
A charitable gift annuity can be established with a gift to WTVP of at least $10,000 in cash or appreciated securities held for longer than one year. In exchange for your gift, WTVP will pay you, and a second beneficiary, if you wish, income for life. Both income beneficiaries must be at least 60 years of age. The income you receive is determined by your age(s).